toMorrOw mY 1st day foR class Dlm buLaN PuAsA!
start wiF StaTisTic .
eXciTed n the smTimE sCared wiTh dis SubjecT
not jZ diS subjecT but The WhoLe subJect in dIs sEm
takOt sgT!!!
mY sCHedulE nOt tOO paCk
hoPe GeT spaCe to EnjOy n baLik Kg Dlm 3mGGu lg.
sTart MisSing My homeTown n My luvelY famiLy rite Now...
(not NeeD tiMe to sPend My tiMe wiF loveR coz i have No LoVer AnyMore..)
by The way....aNytHing happeN..hope Can toucH mY spiriT do it WeLL foR diS seM.
peOple..pliz wish Me Luck..i wisH foR u ToO
naNt da berJaya saMe2 Kiter MeraikanNya..
start wiF StaTisTic .
eXciTed n the smTimE sCared wiTh dis SubjecT
not jZ diS subjecT but The WhoLe subJect in dIs sEm
takOt sgT!!!
mY sCHedulE nOt tOO paCk
hoPe GeT spaCe to EnjOy n baLik Kg Dlm 3mGGu lg.
sTart MisSing My homeTown n My luvelY famiLy rite Now...
(not NeeD tiMe to sPend My tiMe wiF loveR coz i have No LoVer AnyMore..)
by The way....aNytHing happeN..hope Can toucH mY spiriT do it WeLL foR diS seM.
peOple..pliz wish Me Luck..i wisH foR u ToO
naNt da berJaya saMe2 Kiter MeraikanNya..
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